Jan Dop


Jan is advocaat arbeidsrecht en ondernemingsrecht

+31 20 301 55 55

Reinier Russell

managing partner

Reinier adviseert nationale en internationale bedrijven

+31 20 301 55 55

4 November 2024: Dutch Labour Law Basics for Diplomats

Publicatiedatum 4 november 2024

On Monday 4 November 2024, Russell Advocaten Russell Advocaten will host a seminar on Dutch labour law for diplomats, consular agents, and administrative staff from Embassies and Consulates in collaboration with Diplomat Magazine.

Diplomat Magazine - logo

In collaboration with Diplomat Magazine, Russell Advocaten will host a seminar for diplomats, consular agents, and administrative staff from Embassies and Consulates:

Dutch Labour Law Basics for Diplomats: Concluding and Terminating Embassy Employment Contracts, Key Clauses, and Managing Embassy Employee Illness


DateMonday, 4th November 2024
LocationLeonardo Royal Hotel, Van Stolkweg 1, The Hague
Time9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
IncludesCoffee break and light lunch


The seminar will cover the following topics:

  • Concluding employment contracts (fixed-term and indefinite employment contracts)
  • Standard clauses (probationary period, minimum wage, notice period, etc.)
  • Special clauses (confidentiality clause, social media clause, etc.)
  • Employee illness / leaves
  • Terminating an employment contract
  • Is it fair to apply Dutch law to international representatives of other governments such as diplomats and embassies?

Please RSVP at: embassydesk@russell.nl or fill out the contact form below. If you send us your questions in advance (mail to: embassydesk@russell.nl), we will be able to answer them during the seminar.

Diplomat Magazine is a publication created by and for diplomats. For over 11 years, it has also organized events exclusively focused on the diplomatic community.

Russell Advocaten has served as a trusted advisor to many embassies, consulates, diplomats, expats, and companies over the past decades. The special Embassy Desk at Russell Advocaten handles cases related to employment, labour and dismissal, real estate (residence/embassy), immigration, commercial contracts, diplomatic immunity, and diplomatic inviolability. For more information, visit www.embassydesk.nl.

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