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6 points of interest in a shareholders’ agreement

The shareholders’ agreement is the most important agreement entered into between shareholders and the company. What matters should you cover in this agreement?

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Corporate governance: company bodies and their relationships

It can have major consequences when a body within the company takes a decision it is not authorised to take. What are these consequences and how do you avoid making a decision in the wrong way?

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Bodies of the company

In this blog, we give a brief overview of the main bodies present in limited companies and the powers they have.

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Facing redundancy in the Netherlands: 4 steps for expats and employers

Losing your job due to redundancy is a bitter experience, especially when you are an expat and may also lose your work permit or residency rights. Which points should you take into account when facing redundancy?

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Immediate measures in inquiry proceedings

A key advantage of inquiry proceedings is that that these allow the court to quickly make provisions to protect the company. What measures can the Enterprise Chamber take?

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Conflict with my fellow shareholder- what to do?

A dispute between shareholders can lead to problems within the company. In the case of a 50/50 shareholding, it may even make decision-making impossible and, in the worst case, threaten the survival of the company. How is such a dispute resolved?

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Using general terms and conditions

The use of general terms and conditions is something companies can no longer do without. Contracting parties refer to their own general terms and conditions in small print, often containing favorable clauses for their own benefit. But what is the power of general terms and conditions? And what should be considered when using them?

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Half a year of Affordable Rent Act: what are the obligations as of 1 January 2025?

From 1 July 2024, the Affordable Rent Act came into force. Some additional provisions came into force on 1 January 2025. What obligations must landlords now comply with?

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